Built from Dust

Built from Dust

Look at a Leopard Through a Pipe

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Loutropolis <br>Healing Springs and Baths in Greece

Healing Springs and Baths in Greece

The Museum Between the<br>Palace and the Square

The Museum Between the
Palace and the Square


OMARA Mara Oláh

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Der Elefant ist der Raum
The Elephant is the Room
L’elefante è la stanza

Heinz Isler Models

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Beverly Buchanan – I Broke the House

Beverly Buchanan – I Broke the House

(No) Return<br>Survived Buildings and Lost Lives

(No) Return
Survived Buildings and Lost Lives

Performing Colonial Toxicity: An Exhibition by Samia Henni

Performing Colonial Toxicity: An Exhibition by Samia Henni

Sidsel Meineche Hansen: HOOK NO 10.

Sidsel Meineche Hansen: HOOK NO 10.

Christelle Oyiri: VENOM VOYAGE

Christelle Oyiri: VENOM VOYAGE



Doors to Ukraine

Doors to Ukraine

Constructive Abundance: Theo Hotz Partner Architects

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Silvia Federici

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OKOMdsu: Teaser - Guerra Olimpica

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Lessons from the Social Condensers

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Unschöne Museen

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Feminist Lessons from a Feminist Uprising in Iran

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Kino Roland

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Cabin Crew

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A Pluriversity in the Colombian Rainforest

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Life, Without Buildings

Life, Without Buildings

The Feast

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Radio Activities

Radio Activities

Close Encounters

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Hannah Black: Wheel of Fortune

Hannah Black: Wheel of Fortune

The View from the Car

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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The Power of Mushrooms

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Retail Apocalypse

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Louis Kahn. Silence and Light. 1969/2019

Louis Kahn. Silence and Light. 1969/2019

Gili Tal. Mastering the Nikon D750

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Andrea Fraser

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PLANETARIUM. Oleg Kudryashov, Peter Märkli.

PLANETARIUM. Oleg Kudryashov, Peter Märkli.

Jack Self: «The Home Body»

Jack Self: «The Home Body»

Kiosk K67. Metamorphoses of a System

Kiosk K67. Metamorphoses of a System

Home. A User's Manual

Home. A User's Manual

12 Views of Venice. 2018

12 Views of Venice. 2018

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Alberto Ponis. Drawing Landscape

Alberto Ponis. Drawing Landscape

Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse: A Retrospective

Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse: A Retrospective

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule



Smiljan Radić. Drawings

Smiljan Radić. Drawings



Stalker. Naked Archive Lottery

Stalker. Naked Archive Lottery

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Theft is Vision

Theft is Vision

Phantom Theorie

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Reaper. Richard Hamilton and Sigfried Giedion

Reaper. Richard Hamilton and Sigfried Giedion

Discreet Violence

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Christopher Williams. Stage Play

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Christopher Williams

Christopher Williams

MAN transFORMS: Die Dokumente

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Incidental Space

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On the Thresholds of Space-Making: Kazuo Shinohara

On the Thresholds of Space-Making: Kazuo Shinohara





17 Volcanoes

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Drawings by OFFICE

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John Hejduk

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Arno Brandlhuber & Christopher Roth Legislating Architecture Schweiz

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Märkli. Professur für Architektur an der ETH Zürich 2002–2015

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Books for Architects

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Nautilus Konstrukt

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Aaron Flint Jamison

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Theater Objects. A Stage for Architecture and Art

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Architektur für Kinder: Zürichs Spielplätze

Architektur für Kinder: Zürichs Spielplätze

Atlas. Studio Tom Emerson

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Performative Archive: Skopje

Performative Archive: Skopje

Lucius Burckhardt

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William Leavitt. Sidereal Time

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The Walk. Naples – Karlsruhe – Zurich

The Walk. Naples – Karlsruhe – Zurich

Doors to Ukraine

Doors to Ukraine. Designing for Urgency

Tuesday, 3 October 2023 to Tuesday, 24 October 2023
Foyer, HIL, Hönggerberg

Roundtable and exhibition opening: Tuesday, 3. October 2023, 6pm
«Reimagining the Architect's Role: How Does Practice Respond to War and Natural Disasters» with Anna Dobrova, Anastasiya Ponomaryova, Adam Przywara, Momoyo Kaijima, Daniel Stirnimann and Philip Ursprung

The exhibition challenges a limited perspective on reuse and promotes a comprehensive approach to low-carbon, cost-effective, and urgently needed design. The selection of door, as a particular architectural element for this purpose is not coincidental; it holds the symbolic significance of a secure home and is urgently required for shelter provision in Ukraine for forcibly displaced people. How can we support ongoing refurbishment efforts in Ukraine through door reuse? And how can the quality of an upcycled door enhance a sense of home during times of uncertainty and forced displacement?

This challenging approach involves connecting with the target community in Ukraine, implementing innovative design solutions to address the challenges of the given materials in the new context, and practicing collective care. Architecture, viewed here as a critical success factor, is also a process.

CO-HATY is an ongoing initiative in Ukraine, led by the NGO "Metalab," that provides shared accommodation for over 700 forcibly displaced people. The team has been refurbishing abandoned buildings since April 2022 to house people from different cities affected by urbicide, occupation, and siege. While their vision for return varies, they all share the need for shelter for an uncertain period of time.

Due to shortages of local resources and financial support during the wartime, the international community provides items to the CO-HATY team. Among these partners, RE-WIN from Switzerland accumulates and delivers materials to Ukraine, while BRDATLO, and NIAiU in Warsaw identified the potential for adapting the given items through the power of design.

Anna Dobrova is an architect and cofounder of NGO “METALAB”.
Adam Przywara is an architectural historian and researcher. Currently he's a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Fribourg.
Momoyo Kaijima is an architect and professor of Architectural Behaviorology at ETH Zurich.
Daniel Stirnimann is an engineer and member of RE-WIN.
Philip Ursprung is an art historian and professor for Art and Architectural History at ETH Zurich.

Exhibition team:
Anastasiya Ponomaryova is curator of the exhibition and an architect from Ukraine. She is co-founder of the CO-HATY project (active member April 2022 - November 2022) and research fellow the chair of Philip Ursprung.
Laura-India Garinois is an architect and researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pavlo Zabotin is an architect.
Viktor Kopieikin is an architect.
Warvara Yagnysheva is a graphic designer.

Supported by:
Chair of Sociology, Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich
MISTI Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology - supported intern for summer internship
RE-WIN - accumulated materials for CO-HATY through their network
NGO Metalab - implemented given items from Switzerland in CO-HATY project
NGO Urban Curators - coordinated and fundraised for the delivery truck of donated items from Switzerland to Ukraine
Parity Talks - supported one-day workshop with ETH Zurich students and tutors from BRDA, TLO, and NIAiU in Warsaw

The roundtable and exhibition are organized by Anastasiya Ponomaryova in collaboration with the Chair of Philip Ursprung and gta exhibitions, ETH Zurich.

Graphic Design: Teo Schifferli
Photo Flyer: Stephan Lisowski ©Metalab
Photos: Nelly Rodriguez