Loutropolis <br>Healing Springs and Baths in Greece

Healing Springs and Baths in Greece

The Museum Between the<br>Palace and the Square

The Museum Between the
Palace and the Square


OMARA Mara Oláh

Der Elefant ist der Raum<br>The Elephant is the Room<br>L’elefante è la stanza

Der Elefant ist der Raum
The Elephant is the Room
L’elefante è la stanza

Heinz Isler Models

Heinz Isler Models

Beverly Buchanan – I Broke the House

Beverly Buchanan – I Broke the House

(No) Return<br>Survived Buildings and Lost Lives

(No) Return
Survived Buildings and Lost Lives

Performing Colonial Toxicity: An Exhibition by Samia Henni

Performing Colonial Toxicity: An Exhibition by Samia Henni

Sidsel Meineche Hansen: HOOK NO 10.

Sidsel Meineche Hansen: HOOK NO 10.

Christelle Oyiri: VENOM VOYAGE

Christelle Oyiri: VENOM VOYAGE



Doors to Ukraine

Doors to Ukraine

Constructive Abundance: Theo Hotz Partner Architects

Constructive Abundance: Theo Hotz Partner Architects

Silvia Federici

Silvia Federici

OKOMdsu: Teaser - Guerra Olimpica

OKOMdsu: Teaser - Guerra Olimpica

Lessons from the Social Condensers

Lessons from the Social Condensers

Unschöne Museen

Unschöne Museen

Feminist Lessons from a Feminist Uprising in Iran

Feminist Lessons from a Feminist Uprising in Iran

Kino Roland

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Cabin Crew

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A Pluriversity in the Colombian Rainforest

A Pluriversity in the Colombian Rainforest

Life, Without Buildings

Life, Without Buildings

The Feast

The Feast

Radio Activities

Radio Activities

Close Encounters

Close Encounters

Hannah Black: Wheel of Fortune

Hannah Black: Wheel of Fortune

The View from the Car

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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The Power of Mushrooms

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Retail Apocalypse

Retail Apocalypse

Louis Kahn. Silence and Light. 1969/2019

Louis Kahn. Silence and Light. 1969/2019

Gili Tal. Mastering the Nikon D750

Gili Tal. Mastering the Nikon D750

Andrea Fraser

Andrea Fraser

PLANETARIUM. Oleg Kudryashov, Peter Märkli.

PLANETARIUM. Oleg Kudryashov, Peter Märkli.

Jack Self: «The Home Body»

Jack Self: «The Home Body»

Kiosk K67. Metamorphoses of a System

Kiosk K67. Metamorphoses of a System

Home. A User's Manual

Home. A User's Manual

12 Views of Venice. 2018

12 Views of Venice. 2018

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Alberto Ponis. Drawing Landscape

Alberto Ponis. Drawing Landscape

Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse: A Retrospective

Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse: A Retrospective

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule



Smiljan Radić. Drawings

Smiljan Radić. Drawings



Stalker. Naked Archive Lottery

Stalker. Naked Archive Lottery

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Theft is Vision

Theft is Vision

Phantom Theorie

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Reaper. Richard Hamilton and Sigfried Giedion

Reaper. Richard Hamilton and Sigfried Giedion

Discreet Violence

Discreet Violence

Christopher Williams. Stage Play

Christopher Williams. Stage Play

Christopher Williams

Christopher Williams

MAN transFORMS: Die Dokumente

MAN transFORMS: Die Dokumente

Incidental Space

Incidental Space

On the Thresholds of Space-Making: Kazuo Shinohara

On the Thresholds of Space-Making: Kazuo Shinohara





17 Volcanoes

17 Volcanoes

Drawings by OFFICE

Drawings by OFFICE

John Hejduk

John Hejduk

Arno Brandlhuber & Christopher Roth Legislating Architecture Schweiz

Arno Brandlhuber & Christopher Roth Legislating Architecture Schweiz

Märkli. Professur für Architektur an der ETH Zürich 2002–2015

Märkli. Professur für Architektur an der ETH Zürich 2002–2015

Books for Architects

Books for Architects

Nautilus Konstrukt

Nautilus Konstrukt

Dan Graham

Dan Graham

architecten de vylder vinck taillieu

architecten de vylder vinck taillieu

Aaron Flint Jamison

Aaron Flint Jamison

Theater Objects. A Stage for Architecture and Art

Theater Objects. A Stage for Architecture and Art

Architektur für Kinder: Zürichs Spielplätze

Architektur für Kinder: Zürichs Spielplätze

Atlas. Studio Tom Emerson

Atlas. Studio Tom Emerson



Performative Archive: Skopje

Performative Archive: Skopje

Lucius Burckhardt

Lucius Burckhardt

William Leavitt. Sidereal Time

William Leavitt. Sidereal Time

The Walk. Naples – Karlsruhe – Zurich

The Walk. Naples – Karlsruhe – Zurich

Look at a Leopard Through a Pipe<br>Visualizing Sigfried Giedion's Modernism in Chinese Book Culture <br>1952–1982

Look at a Leopard Through a Pipe
Visualizing Sigfried Giedion's Modernism in Chinese Book Culture

Built from Dust<br>Earth, Soil and the Modern Afropolis

Built from Dust
Earth, Soil and the Modern Afropolis

architecten de vylder vinck taillieu

architecten de vylder vinck taillieu

Wednesday, 11 March 2015 to Sunday, 5 April 2015
Location: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL, gta exhibitions

Tuesday, 10 March 2015, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL, gta exhibitions, 5 pm
roundtable with Prof. Florian Beigel (London Metropolitan University), Prof. Adam Caruso (ETH Zurich), Prof. Kersten Geers (EPF Lausanne), moderated by Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder (ETH Zurich)

Jan De Vylder, Inge Vinck, and Jo Taillieu are important protagonists of the current innovative Belgian architecture discourse. They playfully break with the conventions of architectural functions, dimensions, typologies, and the use of material.
To emerge from the context of a purely determinist pragmatism, they use imaginative inspirations, images that evoke associations as a means to push the boundaries in architecture. The design and construction is at any time ongoing and must be ready to respond to government regulations or the whims of actors. The architecture by Vylder, Vinck and Taillieu is never completely finished: their incompleteness gives the user the freedom to intervene and stimulates their imaginativeness. These changes provide inputs for new twists, unique interventions in the planning and extra layers in the built.
gta exhibitions invited architecten de vylder vinck taillieu to re-think the exhibition spaces in the campus Hönggerberg. With several interventions they create a proposition that deals with the problem of the specific space. The created interventions not only transform the given space, but exhibit as examples their distinct way of practice. In a newly built cabinet – as a room within the room – they present their notion of the Triptych. In the threefold of original reference – hommage – and built modification they show their important references in architecture and how they serve as a device for their design work.

Download: Brochure

Photos: Filip Dujardin